US Citizens Pay for “Solar School” Foolishness

October 31, 2013 Steve Goreham 0
Solar systems are being installed at hundreds of schools across the United States. Educators use solar panels to teach students about the “miracle” of energy sourced from the sun. But a closer look at these projects shows poor economics and a big bill for citizens. Earlier this month, the National Resources Defense Fund (NRDC) launched … Read more

The Ongoing Attack on Global Warming Skeptics

October 23, 2013 Steve Goreham 0
“Denial” is a venomous term applied to those skeptical about the role of humans in global climate change, meant to equate climate change skeptics with Holocaust deniers. True believers in the theory of man-made climate change can’t understand how anyone can question the “overwhelming evidence” that mankind is causing dangerous global warming. Who can be… Read more

Carbon Capture and Storage—the Edsel of Energy Policies

October 15, 2013 Steve Goreham 0
The war on climate change has produced many dubious “innovations.” Intermittent wind and solar energy sources, carbon markets that buy and sell “hot air,” and biofuels that burn food as we drive are just a few examples. But carbon capture and storage is the Edsel of energy policies. Carbon capture and storage (CCS), also called… Read more

Climate Change is Dominated by the Water Cycle—Not Carbon Dioxide

October 7, 2013 Steve Goreham 0
Climate scientists are obsessed with carbon dioxide. The newly released Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims that “radiative forcing” from human-emitted CO2 is the leading driver of climate change. Carbon dioxide is blamed for everything from causing more droughts, floods, and hurricanes, to endangering polar bears and acidifying the… Read more